Rangaon Beach-Vasai-Near-Mumbai-Maharashtra-India

Not many in Mumbai have heard of this place, so its not surprising that there is hardly a soul on the beach at most times of the day, save a local fisherman drying salt fish on the sand or mending his nets. Get off at Vasai Railway station and catch a bus at the depot on the western side to Rangaon village. Its the last stop and then you have to walk a kilometre. If you have your own transportation, you can drive your vehicle almost onto the beach. Its a vast endless stretch of greyish black sand, with not a tree or any shade in sight, so make sure you take your floppy hats along. Most beaches in Maharashtra have dark sand and the waters also seem murky and filthy. I guess the pollution levels are high as well. But thats the price you pay for being an "industrialized" state, you have industrial waste staring you in the face wherever you go. The strip of land adjacent to the beach is used to grow

watermelons by the locals, so you could strike a bargain and have a feast on the beach under the midday sun.


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