Happy Dushera..... Vijaya Dashmi........

The root sentiment of Vijaya Dashmi is victory; of good over evil and of self over one's mundane indriyas. Man forever wishes to be victorious over others and over creation. Moreover, the triumph of victory leads him to luxury and extravagance. These then ruin him. Therefore the scriptures advise us to attain victory over the mind. One who has not conquered the mind has not conquered anything. Even the stalwarts were subdued by their whims. Vishwamitra succumbed to Menka, Yudhisthir to gambling. Therefore the Gita (2/60) proclaims that even intellectuals who strive to control their minds are defeated by their indriyas and swayed towards sensual pleasures. Chanakya also revealed to emperor Chandragupta Maurya: 'The gist of the scriptures is to attain victory over the indriyas.'




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